Friday, November 6, 2009

"The Tale of the Travelling Leftovers" (Blog #2)

I promised to tell you a funny story about a cooler I had to pick up from my aunt's house. We had visited with my aunt over thanksgiving and we realized she left without us giving her some yummy leftovers. I decided that since my husband was going to be in her area the next day that we would bring some to her. I told my husband to leave the cooler in her back yard as I didn't want to disturb her. I thought "I will just call her and let her know". I tried twice to reach her and couldn't. I tried much later and did get her but was shocked at the story she told. You see, she saw the cooler in the back yard and had no clue as to what it was. It is a black, soft, large cooler and my husband left it hanging from her umbrella clothesline in her back yard. My aunt looked out her kitchen window and saw it and became suspicious. She was very concerned about its contents so she didn't want to touch it. She called my Dad and the two of them decided that it could contain something bad like drugs (from a deal gone bad) or a bomb (not sure how this would end up in her yard hanging from her clothes dryer) so the decision was made to call the police. (At this point my Dad did consider that maybe he and my aunt watch too many police shows). Time to get back to work so I will have to finish the story tomorrow. Please view my websites at: www.laidoffneedpay or

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